
A full documentation of the standards can be found at


File Content Standard

Standard ID GEN:0001-r1
Base Numerical ID 0001
Location general/
Effects General
Last updated 2019-04-11


  1. File Content Standard (GEN-0001) lays out the format for the content in the files for all standards.
  2. All standard files state what category they affect.
  3. The standard number is based off of what category is affected.
  4. Both Overview and Technical Information follow the format of an indent for each sub-note.
  5. Every standard documentation terminates at END OF STANDARD.
  6. This layout must be followed in every standard’s documentation.

Technical Information

  1. Standard Number [O2]
    1. The first three letters define the area of effect
      1. GEN for General
      2. NET for Nether
      3. END for The End
      4. OVR for Overworld
      5. MDP for Module Data Packs
      6. GRP for Global Resource Pack
      7. GIT for GitHub
    2. The standard ID after follows a 4-digit pattern
      1. Each iteration is sequential for each further addition starting at 0001.
      2. The length of all IDs is 4.
      3. All other numbers are placeholdered with a 0 if unused - as in 0001 or 0274.
  2. Categories [O2-O3]
    1. In the template…
      1. Replace category with the full category name in lowercase-underscore format; for example, general or the_end.
      2. Replace Category with the full category name in upper-sentence case; for example, General or The End.
      3. Replace CAT with a category’s ID (found at T-1.1).
      4. Replace STID with the standard’s base numerical ID; for example, 0001 or 0274.
      5. Replace # in r# with the standard’s revision number
      6. Replace # in O# with the overview point number referenced
      7. Any file extensions (such as .md) or markdown formatting do not need to be changed
      8. Last updated date format follows ISO-8601
  3. Format layout [O5]
    1. The template can be found at standards:master/template/
    2. Files are named and formatted in markdown.


Global Resource Pack

File Structure and Content Standard

Standard Number GRP:0001-r1
Base Numerical ID 0001
Location global_resource_pack/
Effects Global Resource Pack
Last Updated 2019-04-12


  1. File Structure and Content Standard (GRP-0001) lays out the format for the contents and structure of files in the optional, CustomModelData-driven resource pack.
  2. The resource pack is one pack for all Gamemode 4 modules.
  3. All features must work in vanilla Minecraft.

Technical Notes

  1. File structure [O2]
    1. All Gamemode 4 textures and models should be under the namespace gm4.
  2. File content [O2]
    1. Models must…
      1. Be correctly formatted; not one-line.
    2. Textures must…
      1. Fit the vanilla ‘feel’.
      2. Keep whatever resolution the affected file is by default; for example, blocks and items are 16x16.
      3. Be approved by the Gamemode 4 admins prior to addition.
    3. CustomModelData/custom_model_data values should be kept per-model; for example, if Item A has a CMD defined at 1, Item B can have a CMD defined at 1 as well, not 2.